
The staff members and volunteers of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System seek to engage, enlighten, empower and inform life-long learners in the Brazos Valley.


The staff members and volunteers of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System seek to engage, enlighten, empower and inform life-long learners in the Brazos Valley.

Donations and giving

There are many ways in which you, or your organization, can help support the work of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System. Options include sponsorships, monetary gifts, memorial gifts and material donations.

Promo image of a book being donated to the library.

Types of donations

Monetary donations

Monetary donations may be made in honor or memory of an individual and are typically used to purchase materials. Fill out a donation form to list the person and occasion. You may specify a subject area for books to be purchased with your donation. If you would like to make a monetary donation for another purpose, please contact us.


If you or your organization are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact the library you are interested in helping or contact the Library System Director if you want to sponsor something system-wide.


If you would like to donate an item in memory of someone, please call (979) 209-5600.

Material donations

Materials are accepted at Clara B. Mounce Public Library in Bryan and Larry J. Ringer Library in College Station. Donations may be added to the libraries’ collections, placed in a Friends of the Library book sale, or placed on the free shelf. Donations should be in good condition. We are no longer able to accept DVDs or CDs.

Carnegie History Center donations

If you are interested in donating anything to the Carnegie History Center, please call (979) 209-5634 to determine whether the Carnegie would be interested in the item.

Acknowledgement of the gift

An acknowledgement of the gift will be sent to the recipient or the family members.

Tax deductions

Gifts to the library system are tax deductible.

Make checks payable to:

Bryan + College Station Public Library System.

Mail checks to:

Clara B. Mounce Public Library
201 E. 26th St.
Bryan, TX 78703

Gifts to the library system

Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of as the library system sees fit. New titles acquired in this matter are subject to the basic standards of selection. Replacements and duplicate copies are added to the collection if needed.

The costs of processing and the availability of shelving space are also factors in determining acceptance of gifts. Gifts once accepted and processed for the collection, become subject to the library system’s regulations and procedures.

The library will not accept for deposit any books or materials which are not gifts.

The library cannot provide transport for gifts and cannot be responsible for materials left on the loading dock areas.

While the library cannot provide valuations of gifts for tax deductions or other purposes, a form acknowledging the donation is available at the time of delivery of the materials.

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Image of a Bryan + College Station Public Library System library card.
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