
The staff members and volunteers of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System seek to engage, enlighten, empower and inform life-long learners in the Brazos Valley.


The staff members and volunteers of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System seek to engage, enlighten, empower and inform life-long learners in the Brazos Valley.


Carnegie History Center reproduction policies, procedures and fees

The Carnegie History Center (CHC) makes its pictorial material widely available while carefully maintaining the physical and intellectual integrity of the historic materials. Your interests and the preservation of the materials will be assured by observing these policies and procedures.

1. The customer must accept all responsibility for possible copyright infringement arising from the use of reproductions from the CHC collection. The customer must defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Bryan and the CHC, its officers, employees, and agents against all liabilities, damages, expenses, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from any claims and other proceedings by any third party for copyright infringement or any other legal or regulatory cause of action arising from the customer’s use of CHC collection materials. It is the customer’s responsibility to obtain written permission from the copyright holder to use restricted items and to submit the permission, as well as the credit line, to the Carnegie Librarian for approval.

2. All negatives, slides, transparencies, prints, digitized images, and videos are the property of the CHC and may not be copied, duplicated, displayed, or published by the customer without written permission. Neither the City of Bryan nor the CHC grants or transfers any copyright or other intellectual property rights in any materials to the customer by tendering a reproduction regardless of format. Unless otherwise stated, and if the CHC grants the customer’s request for a photo reproduction, permission is granted for personal use or display in a non-public area one time only. If a request for commercial use or publication of a CHC image is made, the Carnegie Librarian may grant written permission for limited use and reproduction in accordance with these policies. All other rights, including those of further publications or editions, are reserved in full by the CHC.

3. The customer must comply with the following requirements for a CHC copyright line on published and displayed reproductions of CHC materials. All published and displayed reproductions of CHC materials require credit given to the Carnegie History Center, include the CHC identification number (e.g. “BHC #####, Carnegie History Center”), and appear next to the image. If the item does not have a unique identification number, list it by title or designated description. Please confirm the appropriate copyright line with CHC prior to publication or display.

4. Alteration, including but not limited to cropping of the original image, is not allowed without written permission of the Carnegie Librarian. The Carnegie Librarian can refuse to allow any alteration of an image if the alteration could be reasonably construed as a distortion, or inaccurate representation, of the subject matter of the photograph. The copyright line for cropped images should read, for example, “Detail from BHC ####, Carnegie History Center.”

5. The CHC reserves the right to require a publication proof prior to final use approval. The customer shall send a copy of any publication containing reproductions of CHC materials to the CHC without charge. The customer shall provide the CHC with the website address for reproductions appearing on websites.

6. The CHC reserves the right to deny copy order requests; limit the number of photographic and digital copies; restrict the use or reproduction of collection materials including rare, valuable or fragile items; ensure that material is reproduced with integrity; and charge special reproduction fees on items involving unusual difficulty in copying or that must be taken offsite to reproduce. Special requests or requests for materials not already scanned are subject to approval by the Carnegie Librarian. Rare and fragile materials will not be scanned without approval by the Carnegie Librarian. No reproductions will be made if materials might be damaged in the process.

7. Photo orders will generally be completed within two to three weeks


Library cards

A library card is free to any permanent resident of Brazos County. To obtain a card, a person must show a photo ID, such as a driver’s license and proof of current address. Children under 12, applying for library cards, must be accompanied by parent or guardian with acceptable identification.

The initial card for Brazos County residents is free of charge. A $3 fee is charged to replace a lost card. Only one library card is required for use in the system. It is valid at Clara B. Mounce Public Library, Larry J. Ringer Library and Carnegie History Center.

TexShare cardholders

To be eligible for TexShare card with BCSPLS, you must be a registered patron or staff member at your library, show photo ID, your library card from your home library, and your TexShare Card. TexShare cardholders are limited to 5 items with varied loan periods, based on media type.

Non-resident library cards 

Library cards are issued to out-of-county residents for a fee of $30 a year.

Guest pass

Patrons who do not qualify for a regular library card but wish to use the library computers can obtain a guest pass.

Checkout limits

Media TypeLoan PeriodBorrow Limit
Books21 daysUnlimited
Audiobook CDs21 daysUnlimited
Overdrive/Libby e-books/audiobooks21 days3/cardholder
E-Read Texas e-books/audiobooks21 daysUnlimited
DVDs and Blu-Rays7 days7/cardholder
1000 Books Before Kindergarten21 days1/cardholder
Magazines7 daysUnlimited

Late fines

Lost materials 

Charges for lost or irreparably damaged items include the replacement cost of the item plus a $5 non-refundable service charge.


Library materials may be renewed once if no holds/reserves are placed on the materials checked out. Renewals may be made by telephone, online or in person.

Holds / reserves 

Patrons may place holds/reserves on library materials. This includes materials owned by Bryan and College Station Libraries. Many books not available in the Bryan + College Station Library System may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan.

Computer lab

Please visit our meeting rooms page to view usage policies and guidelines for the second floor computer lab at Clara B. Mounce Public Library.

Confidentiality of customer records

It is a law in the State of Texas (Texas Open Records Act) and a policy of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System that library transactions are confidential in nature, and that information identifying the names of library users and/or the nature, titles or subjects of the library materials they use will be held in confidence.

All employees of the library have been informed that circulation and other records are not to be made available to any person or to any agency or local, state, or federal government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena or warrant as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, local, state or legislative investigative power.

Upon receipt of such process, order or subpoena or warrant, library authorities will consult with legal counsel to determine if such process, order or subpoena or warrant is in proper form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance. If the process, order or subpoena or warrant is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, such defects must be corrected before the library can comply.

It is further a policy of the Bryan + College Public Library System that no staff member will discuss with any person for any reason the names, reading habits, or inquiries of any library user. Such discussions would be an abridgment of the individual’s right of privacy and a serious violation of library policy.

What this means to each staff member: All library use is confidential.

  • Under no circumstances should a library staff member provide access to circulation records to any individual, even if that individual is a police or enforcement official.
  • Under no circumstances should a staff member discuss with any individual or enforcement official the nature or titles of books read by another individual.
  • Under no circumstances should a staff member discuss with any individual the nature of another individual’s request for information.
  • Any representative of a local, state or federal agency, or any law enforcement officer who requests access to such information must do so through the Library System Director, or in her absence, through the librarian on duty at the adult reference desk.
  • Any official request for access to information must be reported immediately to the Library System Director, or in her absence, through the librarian on duty at the adult reference desk.

Texas Statutes Section 552-124 Exception: Records of Library or Library System.

  • (a) A record of a library or library system, supported in whole or in part by public funds, that identifies or
    serves to identify a person who requested, obtained, or used a library material or service is excepted from
    the requirements of Section 552-021 unless the record is disclosed:
    • (1) Because the library or library system determines that disclosure is reasonably necessary for
      the operation of the library or library system and the record is not confidential under other state or
      federal law.
    • (2) Under Section 552-023; or
    • (3) to a law enforcement agency or a prosecutor under a court order or subpoena obtained after a
      showing to a district court that:
      • (A) Disclosure of the record is necessary to protect the public safety; or
      • (B) The record is evidence of an offense or constitutes evidence that a particular person committed an offense.
  • (b) A record of a library or library system that is excepted from required disclosure under this section is confidential.

When the library has certain activities, contests or programs, we sometimes take photos or video, and we offer an opportunity for members of the public to submit one or more selections of original artwork, writing, photography or other work of authorship.

By submitting this Copyright Release form, you are giving the City of Bryan and the Bryan + College Station Public Library System permission to use your original work under the terms of the form. By submitting this Photo-Video Release form, you are giving the City of Bryan and the Bryan + College Station Public Library System permission to use your likeness in a photograph or video under the terms of the form.

Deed of gifts

The Deed of Gift form is designed to assign legally to The Bryan + College Station Public Library System, on behalf of the Carnegie Center of Brazos Valley History (“Carnegie Center”) materials which you as a Donor are conveying to the Carnegie Center to be administered in accordance with its established policies. The Deed of Gift form constitutes the transfer of legal ownership of the materials and serves to define the terms of the transfer.

It is recommended that, whenever possible, the Deed of Gift form be used to document all in-kind gifts of $250 or more to the Bryan + College Station Public Library System, and for in-kind gifts below that amount which include unique archival materials for which copyright conveyance may or may not be involved.

Donation of gift 

The “Description” portion of this section will be completed by a Carnegie Center representative. The Description of the donation will describe the material being transferred and date received on site.

Appraised value 

The Donor is advised that if a tax deduction on a gift is to be taken, the Internal Revenue Service has regulations for filing tax-deductible contributions valued at $250 or more. If the value of the donation is greater than $5,000, an independent appraisal is required and the Carnegie Center is required to sign IRS Form 8283 acknowledging receipt of the gift. To be acceptable to the IRS, the appraisal must be made no more than 60 days before the date of the contribution and before the due date of the tax return. The Donor is asked to present the appraisal and completed IRS Form 8283 to the Carnegie Center at the time of the gift. The Form will be returned to the Donor with proper signature.

Disposition of materials

In order to make the most effective use of resources, the Carnegie Center reserves the right to determine the disposition of donated materials.

Terms and conditions 

Although most Donors will have no need to limit access to materials which they are donating, the option of placing reasonable restrictions on access to the materials or a portion of the materials is available to a Donor. The Library System Director for the Bryan + College Station Public Library System will be happy to discuss terms of restrictions with a Donor. Any restrictions on access mutually agreed to will be for a specific period of time and will apply to all researchers.

Copyright interests 

Because assignment of copyright is often complex, the Carnegie Center staff is happy to work with the Donor to clarify questions of copyright control. Copyright in writings and original creations contained in a donated collection is controlled by the individuals or organizations that created them unless the copyright has been conveyed legally to the Donor or other party.

If you, as Donor, control the copyright in all or some of the materials being donated, please check the first box in this section of the Deed of Gift and explain the extent of your copyright control.

If you, as Donor, do not control copyright in any of the donated material, please check the second box.

If you have any information about the holder of the copyright please check the third box and supply as much of the requested information as possible.

Copyright conveyance

The Carnegie Center encourages Donors to transfer any copyright they may control to the Bryan + College Station Public Library System whenever possible. Copyright ownership by the Bryan + College Station Public Library System facilitates use by scholars. If you wish to do so, please initial the first paragraph in the “Copyright Conveyance” section of the Deed of Gift.

Assignment of copyright may be conditional. For example, a Donor may wish to stipulate “Copyright retained during my lifetime” or something similar in the “Limitations” space provided in the Deed of Gift.

Change in provisions 

If a Donor feels that any terms in the agreement should be deleted, the Donor is encouraged to discuss the matter with the Library System Director for the Bryan + College Station Public Library System to verify that the desired change in terms is feasible.

Acknowledgment of receipt of gift 

This section of the Deed of Gift serves to formally acknowledge the receipt of a donation under the terms mutually agreed to by the Carnegie Center and the Donor. The Donor will receive a copy of the Deed of Gift form signed by the Library System Director of the Carnegie Center. Formal acceptance of gifts by the Library System Director of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System serves to complete the donation transaction. The Carnegie Center will also send to the Donor an official receipt for charitable deduction purposes for in-kind gifts valued at $250 or more.



In the event of a fire in the library, patrons are asked to evacuate the building according to directions of the staff members in charge of the procedure. Patrons are expected to comply in a safe and orderly fashion.

  • Clara B. Mounce Public Library: Exit on the south side (if not affected by fire), and gather at the Fireman’s Statue on the south side. Do not use the elevator.
  • Larry J. Ringer Library: Evacuate as directed and gather at the pavilion on the east side of the library.
  • Carnegie History Center: Exit through the back door and go across the railroad track to the Clara B. Mounce Library lawn or the LaSalle Hotel parking lot. Do not use the elevator.


In the event of inclement weather whereby the safety of patrons are at risk due to tornadoes or hurricanes, the staff members in charge may direct patrons to safety according to the procedures described in the “Tornado Guide for Libraries.” All three libraries have a battery operated NOAA weather radio. At the advisement of NOAA or local weather broadcasts, patrons will be escorted to designated safe places in the building.

  • Clara B. Mounce Public Library: Proceed down the stairwell to the basement. Do not use the elevator.
  • Larry J. Ringer Library: Seek safety in the windowless staff area directly behind the circulation desk.
  • Carnegie History Center: Gather in the small hallway on the first floor that goes to the restroom. Do not use the elevator.

Staff will insist that patrons not leave the building when it would further endanger their lives. Parents with children at school should remember that all schools have established safety procedures for these conditions and those children are much safer in a building than in a vehicle.

More extensive safety procedures have been developed for each facility. These procedures are on file with the City of Bryan Risk Management Department and are also available for the public viewing at each building.

Exhibit spaces and bulletin boards

The Bryan + College Station Public Library System offers free use of the library’s exhibit spaces and bulletin boards. The Library exhibit spaces are available to organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities.

The Bryan + College Station Public Library System does not endorse the viewpoints of those whose works are represented in our collection, nor does the library endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of topics that may be the subject of library exhibits.

The Bryan + College Station Public Library System endorses policies set forth in the Library Bill of Rights:

  • Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  • Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  • Maintains that exhibit space should be made available “on an equitable basis, Regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”

Criteria for the exhibit spaces and the bulletin board are listed below:

  • Groups within the community served by the library are eligible to request use of the exhibit spaces for a period of one month. Display materials should fit inside the display case.

Fines and fees

Fines and fees are set by the Bryan City Council.

Late Fine Amnesty Program

The Late Fine Amnesty Program reinstates the accounts of patrons who have been previously blocked due to late fines, regardless of how long they have been blocked. It will waives any unpaid fines those patrons have accumulated, and eliminates all late fines on materials going forward. Fees will still be charged to patrons for lost or damaged materials.


  • Lost materials: Charges for lost items include the replacement cost of the item plus a $5 non-refundable service charge.
  • Damaged materials: Charges for irreparably damaged items include the replacement cost of the item plus a $5 non-refundable service charge. Charges for partially damaged items are determined by the Technical Services department of the Library, based on amount of time spent and materials used in repairing the item.
  • Returned check: Charge for returned checks is $15. Use of the library system shall be restricted until charges are paid. Charges shall be paid in cash or a money order. A personal check shall not be accepted.
  • Replacement library card: The initial card for Brazos County residents is free of charge. A $3 fee shall be charged to replace a lost card.
  • Non-resident library cards: Library cards shall be issued to out-of-county residents for an annual fee of $30 valid for one year from the date of payment.

The Library System Director or their designee shall work with patrons to resolve disputed library fines. Circumstances, such as long-term hospitalization, deployment, fire, theft, or natural disasters may warrant a reduction or waiving of fees and fines.

Gifts to the library system

Please visit our Donations and Giving page for information and policies regarding gifts to the Bryan + College Station Public Library System.

Interlibrary Loan

Please visit our Interlibrary Loan page for information and policies regarding the Bryan + College Station Public Library System’s participation in the Texas State Library and Archives Commission Interlibrary Loan program.

Computer use, internet and wireless network

  • Warning: Adults who are viewing pornography on library computers in an area where there are children may be in violation of Texas Penal Code Sec. 43.24 SALE, DISTRIBUTION OR DISPLAY OF HARMFUL MATERIAL TO MINOR. Any illegal internet activities will be reported to local law enforcement, and internet privileges will be immediately and permanently revoked.

Internet disclaimer

The internet is a global electronic network which enables the library to provide information to patrons beyond the library’s collection. It includes useful ideas, information and opinions from around the world. In offering internet access, the library cannot control:

  • Accuracy and validity of the information
  • Availability of links users would like to visit
  • Materials you may find offensive

Many sites carry information you may find controversial, indecent or inappropriate. Users are responsible for the access points they reach. Parents are encouraged to work with and supervise their minor children’s internet sessions.


Before using the library system’s resources, users must acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • Use of library computers is conditional upon the user behaving in an appropriate manner and following all other library policies. Patrons must use their own library card to use the computers.
  • Computer terminals are open to the public, so users should be cautious about accessing or storing sensitive data, such as private documents or personal financial information.
  • Computer equipment must be used as installed. Users may not add, delete or change anything on library computers. The library will not reconfigure computers to gain access to any specific Internet Service Provider.
  • The Bryan + College Station Public Library System is not responsible for internet usage or access, or for any liability that may occur as a result of using library computers. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of privacy, disclosure of personal or financial information, loss of data or any related damages.
  • The library will not tolerate users who damage or abuse computer equipment. This includes removing equipment, deliberately installing harmful programs such as viruses or worms or otherwise inflicting physical damage on any of the computer hardware.
  • Using Bryan + College Station Public Library System computer equipment or internet access for illegal, criminal or other unauthorized purposes is a violation of the Library’s internet Usage Policy and will not be tolerated.

Failure to observe any part of the above agreement may result in the loss of all Bryan + College Station Public Library System privileges and/or criminal prosecution or other legal action. All illegal internet activity will be reported to local law enforcement.

Collection Development

Service Statement and History

We improve quality of life by promoting workforce development and early literacy through informative and entertaining programs and high-quality materials.  Our team, including volunteers, creates connections, fuels the imagination, respectfully teaches, guides and serves our community in a welcoming environment.

The City of Bryan has provided and funded public library services to residents of Brazos County and surrounding counties since 1903 when the Carnegie Public Library opened as the City’s first public library. In 1969, the Bryan Public Library, renamed in 2010 to the Clara B. Mounce Public Library, opened and the original Carnegie Library became the special collections branch. In 1979, the City of College Station began annual contributions to the Bryan Library budget. In 1982, Bryan approved an ordinance charging an annual fee for residents living outside Brazos County who wish to borrow materials.

In 1986, the City of Bryan contracted with the City of College Station (through an inter-local agreement) to provide branch library services in that community. College Station’s first public library opened in 1987, and the present location opened in 1998. The College Station Public Library was renamed Larry J. Ringer Library in 2004 and a newly expanded and renovated facility opened in 2019. The College Station library is administered by the Director of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System (“Director”). Direct and indirect costs are paid by the City of College Station. College Station continues to contribute outright to the library book budget in addition to its contractual costs.

The Bryan + College Station Public Library System (“Library System”) is a Family Place Library System, awarded at Clara B. Mounce Public Library in 2015 and again in 2019 at Larry J. Ringer Library. The Family Place Libraries™ initiative is a national model for transforming public libraries into welcoming, developmentally appropriate early learning environments for very young children, their parents and caregivers.

Responsibility for Collection Management

Implementation of these policies and regular management of the collection rests ultimately with the Director. Under his or her direction, collection management is delegated to professional collection development library staff, who are qualified for such tasks through training and experience. Selectors apply their expertise within the limitations of space, budget, vendor contracts, and awareness of a vast and often changing publishing market.

The public is encouraged to suggest materials for consideration. All suggestions for purchase are subject to the same selection criteria as other materials and are not automatically added to the collection. It is the Library System’s intent that suggestions for purchase be used to help develop collections which serve the interests and needs of the community within space and budgetary constraints.

Patrons may make suggestions at: Selectors will review recommendations for inclusion according to our selection criteria and the fiscal and physical limitations.Selection of materials does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of the content ratings, viewpoint, or presentation of the materials.

Selection Criteria

Selection of library materials is delegated to specific librarians who use their training and expertise to evaluate and acquire materials based on the criteria below (materials do not need to meet all criteria to be chosen for the Library System):

  • Literary merit
  • Critical acclaim
  • Historical significance
  • Accuracy and relevance
  • Diverse representation
  • Public interest
  • Community significance
  • Patron and staff requests
  • Material cost
  • Availability and Demand

Wait List Management

To guide the Library System’s efforts to provide materials in a timely manner, based on patron demand, the Library System employs a “Hold to Copy” ratio of 20:1.  If an item has, or is projected to have, more than twenty (20) holds placed on it, an additional copy should be purchased.  The decision to purchase additional copies will also consider the price per copy and availability of budgeted funds but items with a higher number of holds have priority.   


The Library System routinely accepts donations of books and other materials. Library staff and/or representatives of the Friends reserve the right to keep, discard, sell, or make other appropriate disposal of any books or materials that are donated as determined by its mission and needs. Decisions on whether and how donated items will be added to the library’s collections are based on the same evaluative criteria that are applied to purchased materials. The library does not estimate monetary value of donated materials for tax deduction or other purposes; however, the library will provide a tax-donation form from the Friends of the Library that can be filled out by the person making the donations.

Patrons who would like to donate books written in other languages are requested to provide English translations of minimal cataloging information.

Scope of the Collections

The Library System collects materials that support its vision “to engage, enlighten, empower, and inform life-long learners in the Brazos Valley.” The collection serves to meet the needs of all citizens of Brazos County and seeks to reflect the diversity of our community. In these efforts, we provide materials with diverse viewpoints and levels of comprehension in a variety of formats and languages. Branch collections are therefore shaped in part by specific and local patron use and feedback in addition to librarian expertise and the selection criteria outlined in this policy. All library patrons have access to materials anywhere in the system via request of materials to their preferred branch or via direct access at another location.

Adult Collection

The Adult Collection is curated to meet the needs of the community. Though there are other collections curated with younger library users in mind, the adult collection is available to all library users. The goal of the adult collection is to meet popular demand for content and create a core collection of authoritative information to support the needs of our community. We seek to improve information literacy and help library users better connect to the Brazos Valley, Texas and the greater world. This collection may include fiction, nonfiction, large type, and graphic novels.

DVD/Blu-ray Collection

The DVD/Blu-ray Collection consists of fiction and non-fiction materials for adults, teens, children and families.

Digital Collection

The Digital Collection represents the diverse interests, viewpoints, and needs of the community that we serve. Our digital collection has evolved and will continue to evolve as new formats and products become available. This collection may include electronic books, audiobooks, magazines, streaming services, learning databases and research databases.

Young Adult Collection

The Young Adult Collection is separately identified to provide a transition between the Juvenile and Adult Collections in terms of reading interests and abilities. Material is selected to meet recreational, developmental, and informational needs. This collection may include fiction, graphic novels and manga.

Juvenile Collection

The Juvenile Collection is made up of materials designed to serve the holistic needs of children in our community. A wide variety of diverse material is considered for the collection. This may include books, read-a-longs, periodicals, audiobooks, media kits and other educational resources.  

World Languages Collection

The World Languages Collection consists of books that are written in languages other than English. Languages collected are determined by community demographics, patron requests and vendor availability. Languages collected may differ from branch to branch, but items may be put on hold and checked out from either location.

Items are selected with input from patrons and vendors. Language specialists are consulted as needed. The World Languages collections are replenished when the budget allows, when a grant is received, or when a community group makes a donation.

Freedom to Read, See and Hear

The Library System upholds the right of the individual to access information, even though the content may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to individuals or groups. Therefore, no restrictions are placed on what anyone may read, hear, or see in our collection. Material on the internet (not part of library-licensed databases) is not considered part of library collections. The library upholds the following policies from the American Library Association:

The library also wishes to highlight the following principles in regard to suggestions to restrict or remove materials from our collections:

  • Controversial Material: In efforts to provide patrons with diverse sources of information and the widest possible range of ideas and viewpoints, the library will inevitably acquire material that is considered controversial. Acquisition or use of any item does not imply approval or endorsement of its contents.
  • Labels: The library does not add or remove evaluative labels indicating point of view or questionable content to materials. Such labeling is subjective and infringes on the right of the individual to make their own decisions regarding controversial subjects.
  • Age: Judges, legislators, educators and other experts are increasingly recognizing that access to information and ideas is essential to growth in children and young adults. Therefore, library staff will not limit access to any material in the collection on the basis of age. The reading and viewing activity of children under the age of eighteen (18) is ultimately the responsibility of their parent(s) or guardian(s), who guide and oversee their own children’s development. The library will not intrude on that relationship.

Material Reconsideration Policy 

The choice of library materials by library users is an individual matter. While an individual may reject materials for themself, an individual cannot exercise censorship to restrict access to the materials by others. Recognizing that diversity of materials may result in some requests for reconsideration, the following procedures have been developed to assure that objections or complaints are handled in an attentive and consistent manner.

Individuals expressing concerns about library materials will receive respectful attention. The item in question will not be removed from the collection during the reconsideration process. To submit a Request for Reconsideration form, they must:

  • Be a valid cardholder with the Library System and resident in our funding Cities
  • Have read, viewed or listened to the material in its entirety
  • Have read our Collection Development Policy in its entirety
  • Submit one (1) complete form per item

Material Reconsideration Procedure

The Material Reconsideration Form must be completed in its entirety and returned to the library. A preliminary written response will be made by the Director, or Director’s designee, within fourteen (14) days of receiving the reconsideration form. The response will be based on the following criteria:

  • Consistency with the Collection Development Policy
  • Cultural and/or literary significance and quality 
  • Audience for the material
  • Circulation history and customer requests for the material
  • Professional reviews and awards

If the patron is not satisfied with the preliminary response, the patron may request an appeal of the response. The request must be in writing and submitted to the Director within ten (10) days of the preliminary response. If no appeal is requested, the preliminary response becomes the final decision.

After receiving a request for an appeal, the Director will appoint an ad hoc staff review committee to review the request, the written appeal and make a recommendation on the item, taking into consideration the same criteria listed above. The Director will then make a final decision regarding the disposition of the material. The decision, along with the reasons for it, will be provided to the patron in writing within forty-five (45) days.

The Library System will not consider another Material Reconsideration Request for the same item within the same twelve (12) month period, regardless of which patron is submitting the form. If such duplicate requests are made, the patrons will be informed that a duplicate request is either pending or concluded and of the outcome. 

If a patron abuses the process and/or uses it in bad faith, the Director may summarily dismiss a request without further notice to the patron. It is abusive and/or in bad faith if:

  • The Material Reconsideration Request uses abusive, vulgar, or harassing language except in the cases of example quotes from the material.
  • If the patron submitted three (3) or more prior requests which were denied for the same or similar reasons and the new request is not materially different.
  • If the patron refuses to respond to requests for clarification, or corrections on a request that is illegible, ambiguous or determined to be inaccurate. 

Collection Maintenance

Systematic evaluation of the collection is required in order to keep the collection responsive to patrons’ needs, ensure its vitality and usefulness to the community and make room for newer materials. The Collection Development Policy and our internal Weeding Procedures serve as a guide for maintaining the collection. Materials withdrawn from the collection that are in good condition will be given to the Friends of the Library to be sold in their book sales (proceeds benefiting library initiatives), disposed of, recycled, or donated to the community.

Meeting rooms

Please visit our meeting rooms page to view usage policies and guidelines.


Please visit our donations and giving page for information and policies regarding memorial gifts to the Bryan + College Station Public Library System.

Patron rules of conduct

The Library Advisory Board and the staff at the Bryan+College Station Public Library System hope that the people who use our libraries will find the facilities a welcoming place to be. We expect visitors to respect others, to respect our property, to make safety a priority, and to obey the law. Visitors may be asked to leave the library temporarily or permanently if their behavior is in breach of our rules.

Respect others

  • Talk quietly and take long phone calls outside.
  • Be aware of things you are doing that are disturbing people around you, like making excess noise, swearing, or taking up more than your fair share of space.
  • Keep aisles clear.
  • Keep your belongings close to you.
  • No inappropriate displays of affection.
  • No lying on floors or furniture.
  • No displays of offensive materials on library computers.
  • No commercial solicitation, selling, or panhandling.
  • No political campaigning unless part of a formal library program.
  • No posting or handing out of flyers without staff approval.
  • No harassment of others, including correcting others’ behavior.
  • No possessing, being under the influence of, or using alcohol or controlled substances on library premises.
  • No strong odors (caused by either poor personal hygiene or excessive use of perfume or cologne) that are offensive to a person of normal sensibilities.

Respect property

  • No smoking on library property.
  • No food or drink in the library except for designated areas.
  • Handle materials with care.
  • Use equipment and furniture properly.

Stay safe

  • All children are the responsibility of their parents not of the library.
  • Children age 9 and under must be with an adult.
  • Children ages 9-11 must have an adult in the library.
  • Children 12 years and older do not need parental supervision.
  • No pets are allowed in the library. Service animals must be properly identified as a working animal and must be under control.
  • No running, climbing, or throwing things.

Obey the law

  • Public lewdness – TX Penal Code 21.07 and 21.08
  • Destruction of library property – TX Penal Code 28
  • Criminal Trespass – TX Penal Code 30.05
  • Theft of library, staff or customer property – TX Penal Code 31.03
  • Reckless display of harmful or obscene content – TX Penal Code 43.22 and 43.24
  • Unlawfully carrying or displaying weapons – TX Penal Code 46.02
  • Making offensive gestures, cursing or using obscene, abusive, profane, or threatening language – TX Penal Code 42.01
  • Voyeurism and peeping – TX Penal Code 42.01 (a) (11) (c)
  • Making bomb threats against library property or from library property – TX Penal Code 42.06
  • Child abuse – TX Family Code 261
  • Copyright Title 17, U.S. Code

Individuals failing to leave when requested by library or law enforcement officer may be charged with criminal trespass under Texas Penal Code 30.05. Criminal activities that occur on library property will be reported to law enforcement. In most situations, a customer banned from the library may appeal the ban to the Library Advisory Board. However, a customer who commits criminal acts on library property may be banned from all library locations and such evictions will not be subject to appeal.


The Bryan City Council passed a Resolution in 2007 establishing and providing for the addition and revision of policies and procedures for the Bryan + College Station Public Library System.

Safe child policy

The Bryan + College Station Public Library System welcomes children of all ages. Children are important and deserve attention, supervision, positive interaction and love. We provide materials, services and programs for the benefit of children in our community. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming, fun and safe environment for all library customers.

The safety of children in the library is a serious concern to library staff and the Library Advisory Board. The libraries are public buildings and as such, anyone can enter them. Library staff have many duties to perform in order to serve all library customers. They cannot monitor the whereabouts of customers, including children. Staff cannot assume responsibility for the care and safety of unattended children in the library. Parents and responsible caregivers are expected to provide supervision for children in the library.

We especially want children to have positive experiences in the library. Children left unattended in the library may become frightened or anxious. An unattended child may wander through the building and encounter hazards such as stairs, electrical equipment, doors, or furniture. An unattended child might be tempted to leave the building with a stranger. An unattended child could get mixed in with a school group and become lost. An unattended child could become ill. Emergency situations can occur in public buildings, requiring evacuation. An unattended child could panic and become lost in the building. It is for the safety of each child that the Bryan + College Station Public Library System has adopted this Safe Children Policy. Parents and caregivers are expected to ensure a pleasant and safe experience for the children in their care by abiding by this policy.

For the purpose of this policy, responsible caregiver is defined as the person who accompanies a child to the library and attends to the child while in the library. Responsible caregivers may be a parent, guardian, adult relative, teacher, day care staff, adult baby sitter, or sibling at least age 16. The responsible caregiver must have information to be able to contact a parent or guardian if needed.

Children under age 9

Must have a responsible caregiver within sight and conversation distance at all times. The caregiver is expected to supervise the child and ensure that the child’s behavior is not disturbing to other library customers.

Children ages 9 – 11

Must have a caregiver present in the library during the entire time that they are using library resources. The caregiver must be readily accessible if staff should require assistance with the child. The caregiver should clearly inform the child about his/her location in the library before leaving the child alone.

Children ages 12 and older 

May be present in the library unaccompanied by a responsible caregiver. The child must have information to be able to contact a parent or guardian if needed. Unaccompanied children who disturb other library customers or become otherwise disruptive may be asked to leave the library if their behavior is not acceptable after a reasonable warning.

3D printing

The Bryan + College Station Public Library System (“Library”) and Byrd Technical Institute (BTI) are partnering to offer free public use of 3D Printers available to those who have BTI Training Additive Manufacturing Certification cards, subject to the requirements of this 3D Printer Policy (“Policy”).

  1. The 3D printer may only be used for lawful purposes and may not be used in violation of local, state, or federal law, including but not limited to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.
  2. No one is permitted to use the printer to create objects that are:
    1. unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others, including weapon accessories (See: Patron rules of conduct policy);  
    1. items that are obscene or are deemed inappropriate for the library environment (See Computer, Internet and Wireless policy); or
    1. objects larger than 5″x5″x5″.
  3. The 3D printer may only be used by individuals six (6) years of age and older.
  4. The Library reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel any 3D print request without notice.
  5. The Library cannot guarantee item quality, stability, or suitability for a particular purpose.  The Library cannot guarantee confidentiality of designs.
  6. Items printed from the 3D printer that are not picked up within three (3) days become the property of the Library.  Library may prohibit patron’s future use of the 3D printer.
  7. Patrons may only use the printer under the direct supervision of a Library staff member.
  8. No more than one (1) object can be printed per week, per patron.
  9. Certification 1 patrons can only use preloaded images established by the Library and BTI.  All other patrons (Certification 2 and higher) are responsible for designing their own creations and preparing them for printing.
  10. Print times are estimates and cannot be guaranteed.



Disclaimer of Liability and Warranty

By using the Library’s 3D printing services, you agree to assume the risk of, and acknowledge that the Library and its affiliates  disclaims all liability for, any and all injuries (including death) resulting from use of 3D models created using equipment owned by the Library.  You also agree that 3D models possess certain inherent weaknesses and limitations and may not be suitable for all applications, including, without limitation, those for which they are designed and intended.  You further agree to assume the risk of, and acknowledge that the Library and affiliates disclaims all liability for, damages or claims for infringement of intellectual property rights arising from your use of the Library’s 3D printing services.

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